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Learning Disability


Bespoke Care Support  Learning Disability Services supports adults with learning/intellectual disabilities to live independently and with support  in communities of their choice, through:


Supported Living
Giving opportunities for service users to exercise control and choice over their care in the community
Providing home support services that will empower and promote adults to live in their own homes and as part of their local  communities.

Person-Centred Planning and involvement of important people in my care if needed
Involving service users in planning all aspects of their lives.

Engaging service users in co-producing, designing and evaluating their service provision.

Skills Development and implementation
Encouraging the development of a broad range of personal skills to build confidence and self-esteem.

Healthy Living
Offering support to participate in a wide range of pursuits, including social, leisure, cultural and religious activities.
Working with the Local Communities
Bespoke will support service users to make use of all facilities available in the community